Physical Activity and Active Aging in the Elderly

The world we live in and people are getting older. Many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, blood pressure, cancer and dementia can be observed with aging. Even in elderly people without chronic diseases, many physiological changes are observed, including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, urinary, musculoskeletal, cognitive activity and communication. These changes have a serious negative impact on the activities of daily living and quality of life of elderly individuals.

The decrease in muscle strength that occurs with aging is associated with the decrease in muscle mass and strength of the elderly. With decreased protein synthesis in muscle cells and increased response time in the nervous system, movements slow down, muscles weaken and loss of muscle mass is observed. Regular physical activity can help maintain healthy body functions.

Active aging in elderly individuals is important in terms of keeping them socially, economically, culturally and physically involved in life and maintaining their quality of life. By keeping the individual in life in every aspect, they should be ensured to enjoy life. Regular physical activity is one of the most important things to be done for active aging. Adequate physical activity ensures the protection of mental and physical activities. Physical activity increases life expectancy and quality of life and prevents many conditions such as disability/disease.

Physical Activity and Active Aging

Effects of Physical Activity

  • It slows down the physiological changes that occur with aging.
  • It regulates the changes in the body that occur with aging and keeps them under control.
  • It prevents chronic diseases and keeps them under control.
  • Conditions such as muscle weakness and osteoporosis in the musculoskeletal system are prevented.
  • Improves quality of life.
  • Psychologically, it has a positive impact on the elderly, reducing levels of depression and anxiety and helping them to cope.
  • Reduces balance-coordination problems and the risk of falling.
  • Healthy aging is achieved and life span is prolonged.

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