Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation after Neck Surgery

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation after Neck Surgery

Return to Peaceful Days After Neck Surgery with Meva

We offer personalized physical therapy and rehabilitation services for our patients to lead a healthier and better quality life after neck surgeries. This service we offer helps to correct muscle, ligament and joint weaknesses that occur after surgery and to strengthen and gain flexibility in these tissues. Thus, our patients can return to their old living standards in a short time.
Professional Care After Neck Surgery at Meva
As Meva Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center; With our physical therapy and rehabilitation service after neck surgery, we aim for our patients to live a healthier, comfortable and quality life. In this context, with the physical therapy and rehabilitation programs we prepare in line with the needs of the patient, our patients can regain their mobility and get rid of their pain. At the same time, they can lead a more comfortable and healthy life. We offer the following treatments within the scope of physical therapy and rehabilitation services after neck surgery;
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation after Neck Surgery
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation after Neck Surgery

We are happy to help you.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation after Neck Surgery

Why is Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Important After Neck Surgery?

Physical therapy and rehabilitation after neck surgery is extremely important in terms of the effectiveness of the recovery process and improving the quality of life of patients. Since surgeries performed especially in the neck region can cause damage to muscles, ligaments and joints, conditions such as limitation of movement, pain and fatigue may occur. At this point, special exercises, manual therapy and other recovery techniques are applied to prevent these problems. In this way, an increase in joint mobility is observed as well as an increase in muscle strength. At the same time, flexibility occurs in the muscles and supports the proper alignment of the spine, reducing nerve compression and preventing posture disorders.

What Should Be Considered in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation After Neck Surgery?

There are several important factors to be considered in the physical therapy and rehabilitation process after neck surgery. The first of these factors is to create a personalized rehabilitation plan according to the patient’s condition and the type of surgery. Because the recovery process of each patient is quite different from each other. For this reason, exercises and treatment methods should be tailored to the patient’s general health condition, pain and movement limitations. In addition, during the treatment, it is very important to perform the exercises in the correct form and in a controlled manner. Otherwise, the patient’s complaints may increase. Finally, the patient should be followed up continuously and any negativity in the treatment process should be evaluated quickly and necessary arrangements should be made. In line with all these factors, it ensures that recovery after neck surgery takes place safely and effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions for Physical Therapy after Neck Surgery

Patients who have had neck surgery can do many activities after recovery. However, heavy lifting, loading the neck, straining muscles and strenuous activities are prohibited after neck surgery. Light walking is recommended for the first few weeks. In addition to these, light sports such as swimming and pilates are recommended after about 1 month. Sports that touch the neck such as basketball and football should be avoided for up to 1 year.

Considering that physical therapy is not recommended before the wounds visible on the skin heal after the surgery, exhausting the neck area can be harmful. Heavy and strenuous exercises should be avoided in order not to develop postoperative complications and reduce the rate of recovery. Since sit-ups, planks and push-ups will directly affect the neck muscles, it is recommended to avoid them for the first 1 month.

If you have had neck surgery due to spinal cord narrowing, spinal cord compression or herniated disc, physical therapy is recommended to ensure full recovery. Physical therapy is very important to prevent postoperative muscle tension and nerve compression. Considering that the neck area is immobilized for a while after the surgery, physical therapy will relieve this area. Your doctor will recommend physical therapy to strengthen the neck muscles and improve mobility. Physical therapy is also perfect for relieving pain, numbness and tingling sensations. Depending on the type of surgery and the method applied, you can discuss the physical therapy program with the physiotherapist after neck surgery.


The patient must follow the doctor’s instructions in order to return to daily activities after neck surgery. You can return to daily activities 2 weeks after following the points to be considered after neck surgery specified by the doctor. 

After neck surgery or spinal cord compression surgery, you should avoid strenuous activities and exercises for a while. The neck area should not be strained, especially for the first 1 week. It is important that the wounds on the surface heal, the stitches are not strained and do not get infected. In the 2nd week, you can do sports with light walks and non-strenuous exercises. Exercises that tire the neck area should be done after the 3rd week. You can also do sports with heavy and strenuous activities 1 month after neck surgery.

Since cervical hernia brings serious health problems, surgery is considered necessary. After cervical hernia surgery, the patient must comply with physical therapy programs to feel better than before. Physical therapy is shaped according to the patient’s pain management after surgery. In some patients, physical therapy programs are started from the 2nd week. Depending on the situation, there are also patients who start physical therapy and rehabilitation from the 3rd week after surgery.

If a person has undergone spinal cord surgery for spinal cord narrowing, physical therapy is recommended for full recovery. Physical therapy can be started from the 3rd week after spinal cord surgery in order to keep the nerves active and increase mobility.

Nerve compression in the patient also causes some limitations. It is recommended to start physical therapy to reduce the restrictions and to provide mobility in the area of compression. As physical therapy reduces the tension around the nerve, it also allows the nerve to move. Physical therapy is required a few weeks after nerve compression surgery. The doctor will determine the duration of treatment depending on the surgical site and the patient’s condition. For postoperative physical therapy, the healing of the wound is prioritized. Thus, bleeding is not seen in the wound that crusts while doing the movements and the stitches are not opened. After the wound has healed, the patient can do the exercises more easily.
Since cervical hernia surgery is performed under anesthesia, the patient stays in the hospital for 1 day. Afterwards, he/she can be discharged and slowly return to his/her daily life, provided that he/she does not engage in heavy activities. Therefore, there is no harm in traveling after cervical hernia surgery. You can travel by supporting your neck during the journey 
It is important that the patient starts physical therapy after spinal cord compression surgery. The wound on the surface is expected to heal for the first 1 week. At the end of about 3 weeks, there is no harm in taking short walks and starting physical therapy. Starting physical therapy accelerates the healing process and prevents loss of function. It also reduces pain, swelling, edema complaints and relieves tension in the nerves.  

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